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101.3 WVAI FM Hip Hop & R&B
Like this station? Want help it? Want to make some $$ for yourself at the same time? 101 Jamz (101.3 WVAI) is looking for outside accounts underwriting sales people. Sales experience preferred, but not necessary for the right individual. Please call 434 446-4116 or fill out our ‘Volunteer‘ (it is essentially an employment form) form if you prefer. Please note any sales or radio experience that you have..
If you’re wondering ‘What is underwriting?’, it is what you hear on 92.3 XRK and other non-commercial stations telling you about a client and perhaps thanking them for their support. It is similar to a commercial with a few restrictions. We cannot have a ‘call to action’ such as ‘Come by and see us today!’ We also cannot mention a price or say something like ‘Home of the best pizza in town.’ You can say that ‘Our pizza was voted #1 in the latest newspaper survey.’ or similar other factual statements. Most of what can’t be said is generally viewed negatively by listeners in any event. Our listeners are far more loyal to our station that they are to most commercial stations as an other offset to what you would be selling for us.
101 Jamz is an equal opportunity employer.
Written by: admin
101 JAMZ Charlottesville Radio Help Wanted Sales Underwriting WVAI
6:00 am - 10:00 am
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
6:00 am - 10:00 am
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
6:00 am - 10:00 am
Copyright 2021